Our CPD workshops are facilitated by experienced practicing specialists in their fields. We have a range of courses that are aimed at qualified counsellors who wish to develop their practice, as well as students of counselling.

Working Online
Date: To be announced shortly
In our modern digital world, clients need and expect to access counselling in a variety of different ways. The idea of sitting in a room with a counsellor, is for some, a strange idea. With a wealth of communication methods now available, counsellors need to consider how they will offer their services.
This workshop will explore what is needed to work online, without losing the relational and creative potential that working in a room offers.

Working with Trauma through a Gestalt Lens
Date: to be announced shortly
In this course we will look at Gestalt theory to understand how growth disorders emerge and how we and of course our clients, may live a more rewarding life free from the trauma of the past and it’s hold on the present.

Working with Trauma Through the Lens of CBT
Date: to be announced shortly
The course will help you to identify and work with clients distorted beliefs and perceptions so that they can gain a more accurate here and now perception of their present moment.