I hope this message finds you well and you are enjoying the start of the summer term. We’re writing to provide you with updates on some of the developments here at Heartwood.
From September we will be updating the name of our ‘Stay Connected’ sessions to ‘Topic in Focus’ which we feel better represents what these sessions are about. We are pleased to be able to offer these sessions college-wide to help support and enhance your learning at whatever stage of your studies you are. Please do let us know if you have any topic suggestions that you would like to see covered – you can advise us of these, or any feedback you have about the sessions, by email or by filling in the form which is available on the HOP.
We have also reviewed the Extended Learning Sessions and we will refer to these as workshops going forward. Our summer term booking system for the in-person sessions will shortly be opening. Fortunately, it has not been necessary for any of our teaching to have been moved online during this academic year which has resulted in tutors being able to carry out in the room assessments and evidence of students in the room competencies during the standard course dates; this means that from September, we will be offering the Extended Learning workshops both as online and in person in order to allow you more flexibility for booking/attendance. The aim of these days will still be to allow you to work with fellow students from other groups, work with other tutors and to further develop your understanding of the role of a professional counsellor.
We have been reviewing our terms and other policy documents and have included a dedicated area on the Heartwood Office for these; any documents listed on the Heartwood Office will supersede those found in your course handbook. We will advise you if any policies are updated in this area by way of notices on the HOP. Please do familiarise yourself with these documents as they are there to support your studies.
Please keep an eye on your emails and the virtual notice board on the Heartwood Office on the HOP for further information on our workshops and how to book when these are available.
If you have any questions or should you wish to make any changes to your bookings, please email us or call us on 01803 308604.
Best wishes,
Julia Bowden
Centre Director